"Hungry Head Surf Beach"
Oil Painting on Board
Framed and Ready To Hang
Painting Size - 60.5 x 31.5 cm
Total Size - 74.5 x 45 cm
I was staying in Urunga which is just to the south of Coffs Harbour, NSW Recently. I was there to teach a week-long oil painting workshop as part of Camp Creative held each year in the small town of Belingen.
The first place I headed after checking in to my accommodation was to the beach. The beach was accessed via a long walkway which gave some great views across the water and surrounding estuaries.
Once on the beach, I looked to the south and was excited to see some headlands in the distance. My favorite thing to paint :) I could see storm clouds starting to build in the distance and decided it would make a great subject to paint.
The only problem was the headlands were a long way off in the distance. About 2 km's was my best guess.
I headed off trying to estimate how much time I had before the storm clouds broke and dumped a heavy shower across the area.
Well, I guess my calculations were off a little. By the time I got close enough to the headlands, the storm clouds loomed overhead. I quickly snapped off a whole lot of photos, then turned around for the walk back.
Then the heavens opened :)
The rain came in at a 45 degree angle from behind me. There was more water coming out of the sky than I could see in the ocean in front of me. I quickly became drenched from head to toe on the backside of me. My front remand dry somehow.
Regardless once I reviewed the photos I knew there were some great painting opportunities among them. It was worth the drenching.